
发布时间:2025-01-29 21:26:02    浏览::841

本文摘要:Fried chicken fans, rejoice – you’ll soon be able to brandish your fast food obsession via your smartphone.炸鸡爱好者们,掌声吧!你们立刻就能用自己的智能手机来抒写对快餐的热衷了。

Fried chicken fans, rejoice – you’ll soon be able to brandish your fast food obsession via your smartphone.炸鸡爱好者们,掌声吧!你们立刻就能用自己的智能手机来抒写对快餐的热衷了。KFC have announced plans to release a new smartphone, complete with that iconic red shade and Colonel Sanders logo.肯德基刚宣告要发售一款智能手机,它那标志性的红色和桑德斯上校的Logo都在上面。The chicken-lover’s dream piece of tech is a collaboration with Chinese manufacturer Huawei, with both the chicken chain’s logo and Huawei’s logo adorning the bright red casing of the limited edition Huawei 7 Plus.这款炸鸡爱好者梦寐以求的科技产品,是和中国生产商华为合作发售的,在这款特别版的华为 7 Plus的亮红色机身上,同时装饰有这家炸鸡连锁店的Logo和华为的Logo。It comes pre-loaded with KFC’s K-music app, which lets you choose the songs you want to hear in the KFC store of your choice.这个手机笔记本电脑有肯德基的app“K-music”,它能让你自由选择在肯德基的店里听见什么歌。

Bad news, though, the phone is currently only available in China. It’s set for release in July 13th via China’s Amazon equivalent, Tmall.不过也有个坏消息,那就是这款手机现在只在中国发售。发售日期是7月13号,发售地点是天猫商城(亚马逊在中国的对等物)。There’s also a fingerprint scanner, but good luck using that when you’ve got greasy fried chicken hands.这手机上还有指纹传感器,不过如果你用的时候手上都是炸鸡的油,那就得自求多福了。

