发布时间:2025-02-01 21:26:01 浏览::664
Doctors at Imperial College hospitals will soon be monitoring the health of patients with an app developed by Google-backed AI firm DeepMind.帝国学院校医院的医生迅速将不会用谷歌旗下AI公司DeepMind研发的一款APP,监测病人的健康状况。The Streams app gathers information about key physiological measurers and warns when readings are high or low. Streams came from a deal with Londons Royal Free hospital that gave Google access to 1.6 million patient records.这款取名为Streams的应用程序搜集了关键的生理测量信息,并在读数低或较低时收到警报。根据与伦敦皇家权利医院签定的协议,谷歌被容许采访取得160万患者的病历记录。Medical professionals at three London hospitals, St Marys, Hammersmith and Charing Cross, will get updates and alerts on their smartphones about patients of a sudden deterioration in their health.St Marys、Hammersmith和Charing Cross这三家伦敦医院的医疗专业人士,将在他们的智能手机上取得患者身体健康忽然好转的改版和警报。
The alerts and updates will be derived from blood tests and other regularly administered measures of an individuals condition.这些警报和改版将从血液测试和个人健康状况的其他定期监测手段分解。As well as data from medical checks, the Streams alerts and updates will draw on electronic patient records held at the hospitals.除了身体检查信息,Streams的警报和改版将利用医院掌控的患者电子记录。An earlier collaboration between DeepMind and Londons Royal Free NHS Trust has proved controversial because it involved the firm getting access to millions of patient records. DeepMind said it needed the data to help its software recognise various medical conditions.DeepMind与伦敦皇家权利NHS信托基金之间的早期合作是有争议的,因为协议中包括企业取得数百万患者记录的条款。
不过DeepMind方面回应,他们必须数据来协助其软件辨识各种医疗状况。Critics said DeepMind needed to be more open about the reasons if it wanted the data.抨击意见称之为,DeepMind应当对其必须这些数据的理由更加开诚布公。