无端戳中G点 苹果强硬回应弯曲门-jdb电子

发布时间:2025-02-11 21:26:01    浏览::857

本文摘要:Apple said on Thursday it had received just nine complaints about bent iPhones since it released its newly enlarged smartphones last week, after facing an internet furore over claims that the design of its 6 Plus device was fundamentally flawed.苹果(Apple)周四回应,自从上周公布近期大屏智能手机以来,该公司仅有接到9笔牵涉到iPhone不存在倾斜问题的滋扰,此前,有关iPhone6 Plus不存在显然缺失的众说纷纭在互联网中甚嚣尘上。

Apple said on Thursday it had received just nine complaints about bent iPhones since it released its newly enlarged smartphones last week, after facing an internet furore over claims that the design of its 6 Plus device was fundamentally flawed.苹果(Apple)周四回应,自从上周公布近期大屏智能手机以来,该公司仅有接到9笔牵涉到iPhone不存在倾斜问题的滋扰,此前,有关iPhone6 Plus不存在显然缺失的众说纷纭在互联网中甚嚣尘上。Its unrepentant response to what pundits have dubbed “bendgate” contrasts with its swift apology for the “great inconvenience” of Wednesday’s botched iPhone software update.苹果对专家们称之为的“倾斜门”(bendgate)事件作出了强硬态度对此,与此构成对照的是,苹果很快对周三公布的不存在问题的iPhone软件改版所造成的“极大不便”回应了致歉。“With normal use a bend in iPhone is extremely rare and through our first six days of sale a total of nine customers have contacted Apple with a bent iPhone 6 Plus,” Apple said, highlighting the array of “rigorous” physical tests that each device is subjected to before it launched. “iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus meet or exceed all of our high quality standards to endure everyday, real life use,” it said.苹果回应:“在长时间用于情况下,iPhone经常出现倾斜的情况极为少见,在我们产品公布后的前6天里,共计9名客户因iPhone 6 Plus倾斜问题与苹果联络。

”该公司特别强调所有设备在发售前需经过一系列“严苛”物理性能测试。该公司回应:“iPhone 6和iPhone 6 Plus超过或远超过了我们所有的高质量标准,精辟日常用于。”The complaints have marred what was by other measures a successful launch for Apple. It said on Monday that it had sold 10m of its two new iPhone 6 devices in their first three days on sale.这些责怪和滋扰让苹果新机的公布惟有了往日的顺利光环。苹果周一回应,上市头3天,两款近期iPhone 6的销量已超过1000万部。

Earlier on Thursday, Apple’s products came in for fresh criticism from a new quarter: the Federal Bureau of Investigation.周四早些时候,苹果产品还遭另一个领域的抨击:美国联邦调查局(FBI)。FBI director James Comey told reporters in Washington DC that he objected to new encryption technology for iPhones and smartphones running Google’s Android software, which the companies say bolsters customers’ security and privacy.美国联邦调查局局长詹姆斯科米(James Comey)在华盛顿特区告诉他记者,他对iPhone及安卓(Android)系统的智能手机使用的近期加密技术回应赞成,虽然这些公司称该技术将强化客户安全性和隐私。The encryption means that data stored on the latest iPhones, if the owner uses a security passcode to lock the device, cannot be accessed by Apple itself, even if it receives a warrant.这项加密技术意味著,如果最新版iPhone用户用于安全性秘钥锁闭手机,那么苹果自己将无法访问这些手机上存储的数据,即便苹果取得许可。

“What concerns me about this is companies marketing something expressly to allow people to place themselves beyond the law,” Mr Comey said.科米回应:“我担忧,这些企业推向市场的是显著能让人们凌驾于法律之上的产品。”Apple analysts said that the longer-term implications of the latest bout of criticism were hard to assess. Many saw its flawed software update as a more significant problem than whether iPhones can be bent in a trouser pocket.苹果分析师回应,很难辨别最近的抨击声浪不会导致怎样的长年影响。


