发布时间:2024-11-12 21:26:01 浏览::139
SAN FRANCISCO — When Apple wants to make a big splash, it returns to its history.旧金山——当苹果(Apple)期望引发一层巨浪时,它自由选择重返自己的历史。Thirty years ago at the Flint Center for the Performing Arts, a roomy auditorium in Cupertino, Calif., Steven P. Jobs introduced the original Macintosh. On Tuesday, Apple will return to the center to unveil a set of long-anticipated products: two iPhones with larger screens and a wearable computer that the media has nicknamed the iWatch.三十年前,在加州库珀蒂诺弗林特表演艺术中心(Flint Center for the Performing Arts)的一间宽阔的礼堂里,史蒂芬·P·乔布斯(Steven P. Jobs)向人们讲解了初代麦金塔电脑(Macintosh)。下周二,苹果将返回这个中心,发售人们期待已久的一系列产品:两款屏幕更大的iPhone,以及一款可穿着电脑,媒体给它所取了个绰号叫“iWatch”。
The so-called smartwatch will be the first brand-new product unveiled under Timothy D. Cook, Apple’s chief executive, who took the helm three years ago, shortly before Mr. Jobs’s death.这款所谓的智能手表将是首席执行官蒂莫西·D·库克(Timothy D. Cook)领导下的苹果发售的第一款全新产品,库克是三年前乔布斯去世后旋即接任公司的。It is expected to come in two sizes and combine functions like health and fitness monitoring with mobile computing tasks like displaying maps. It will have a flexible screen and, like the new phones, will support technology that allows people to pay for things wirelessly.预计这款产品不会还包括两种尺寸,将身体健康和体力监测等功能和地图表明等移动计算出来任务融合在一起。它将有一块可倾斜的屏幕,并和新款手机一样,将反对让人可以无线缴纳购物的技术。
“I believe it’s going to be historic,” said Tim Bajarin, a consumer technology analyst for Creative Strategies who attended the original Mac event in 1984. He added, “The design of this product is all Tim’s fingerprints.”Apple, which is highly secretive, has not officially commented on any of the new products. But multiple employees of Apple and its partners who were briefed on the products shared some details on the condition that they not be identified.“我坚信那将是一个历史性的时刻,”创新策略公司(Creative Strategies)的消费科技分析师、参与过1984年Mac初代发布会的本·巴加林(Ben Bajarin)说道。他还说道,“这个产品的设计恣意显露出蒂姆的影响。”行事极为不为人知的苹果没公开发表评论过以上的任何一款新产品。
但是多位苹果雇员和对产品情况有理解的合作伙伴共享了一些细节,条件是在本文中不透漏身份。With its first wearable computer, Apple will enter a growing market for fitness-tracking gadgets and smartwatches from Fitbit, Nike and Samsung Electronics. And with the two larger phones, Apple will fight back against Samsung, whose big-screen Galaxy smartphones have wrested sales away over the last few years.随着该公司第一款可穿着电脑的发售,苹果将转入一个正在茁壮的身体健康追踪设备和智能手表市场,早已不存在于该市场的有Fitbit、耐克(Nike)和三星电子(Samsung Electronics)。而凭借两款屏幕更大的手机,苹果将对三星发动反攻,后者的大屏Galaxy智能手机在过去几年里抢走了不少销量。While the iPhones are expected to be released in the coming weeks, the watch is unlikely to be in stores until next year, several of the people with knowledge of the products said. The price of the new devices is not yet publicly known.多位理解产品的人说道,iPhone未来将会在未来几周内公布,不过手表有可能要到明年才能下架出售。
新的设备的价格仍未发布。Some said the smartwatch was one of Apple’s most ambitious projects to date.有人说道智能手表是苹果迄今为止最不具雄心的项目之一。
The company put an enormous amount of time and money into designing the wearable device’s sensors so that they can track movements and vital signs, like heart rate and footsteps, much more accurately than existing fitness devices, two employees said.两位公司雇员说道,公司花上了大量的时间和金钱用作设计可穿着设备的传感器,在跟踪运动和心率、步伐等生命体征时,要比现有的身体健康设备精确得多。It has a flexible display panel that is protected by synthetic sapphire, which is tougher than glass, they said. The device’s circuit board, which includes its sensors and chips, was described as tiny, about the size of a postage stamp.他们说道手表有一块可倾斜的表明板,用于比玻璃更加柔软的制备蓝宝石展开维护。
包括传感器和芯片在内的设备电路板据他们形容是极为微小的,大约是一张邮票的大小。For replenishing the battery, the smartwatch will rely on a wireless charging method. Apple had at one point tested solar charging for the watch, but that experiment failed.为了让电量维持丰沛,智能手表将倚赖一种无线充电手段。
苹果一度测试过太阳能电池,但实验告终了。For software, the watch will take advantage of HealthKit, a set of tools for storing health data that Apple introduced in June. The device will also rely heavily on Handoff, a new software feature that allows users to push content between their Apple devices.软件方面,手表将利用苹果在六月发售的HealthKit,一套用作存储身体健康数据的工具。
设备将十分倚赖Handoff,这种新的软件特性让用户可以在自己的苹果设备之间启动时内容。The bigger iPhones, which have been widely written about over the last year, will come in two screen sizes, one measuring 4.7 diagonal inches and the other 5.5 diagonal inches. The larger version will cost more. Unlike the older iPhones, which have somewhat sharp edges, the new ones have softer, rounded edges similar to those of the latest iPads.过去一年里,屏幕增大的iPhone获得了普遍的注目,它将还包括两种屏幕尺寸,分别为4.7寸和5.5寸。更大的那款售价不会更高。和以往iPhone比较锐利的边缘比起,新款不会使用更加圆润的、圆角的边缘,和近期的几款iPad类似于。
To deal with concerns that a bigger phone will make typing with one hand difficult (the current iPhone has a four-inch screen), some changes to the design of the iPhones’ user interface will allow people to type or use apps with just one hand; there will be a one-handed mode that can be switched on and off, two employees said.有人担忧更大的手机屏幕不会减少单手点字的可玩性(目前的iPhone是4寸屏),为此苹果将对iPhone的用户界面设计作出改动,让用户可以用一只手点字或用于应用于;两位雇员还说道,将不会有一个可以电源的单手模式。The wearable device and the smartphones will include hardware and software that support a technology called near-field communication, or NFC, which allows devices to exchange information wirelessly over very short distances. It could make paying for things with a phone less of a hassle.可穿着设备和智能手机的硬件和软件将反对一种叫作将近场通讯(即NFC)的技术,设备通过这种技术可以在很短的距离内无线互相交换信息。
这样一来用户在用手机做到缴纳时可以省去一些困难。Apple has teamed up with American Express, MasterCard and Visa to support the payment system, said several people involved in the partnerships. With the deal, these people said, iPhone owners will be able to use their devices as a sort of digital wallet, improving their ability to pay for items at select partner merchants without handing over cash or a credit card.多位参予合作事宜的人说道,苹果早已和美国运通(American Express)、万事达(MasterCard)和Visa合力,反对其缴纳系统。这些人说道,根据协议,iPhone用户将可以把设备当成某种数码钱包来用于,在一些特定合作商户那里展开缴纳的过程将获得改良,不必须放入现金或信用卡。
Along with these partnerships, the abundance of new NFC-enabled iPhones could jump-start mobile payment, which has so far failed to gain traction among American consumers. Google, for instance, released a digital wallet in 2011 that has achieved little success. And Isis — a mobile wallet backed by three major American phone carriers, which was renamed Softcard this week — never caught on either.在创建这些合作关系的同时,配有了NFC技术的新款iPhone还将以其非常丰富的功能推展移动支付的发展,迄今为止,这种缴纳手段没有能获得美国消费者的垂青。例如Google在2011年发售了一款数码钱包,完全充公到什么效益。
而由三大美国手机运营商资助的移动钱包服务Isis某种程度无功而返,本周这款产品早已更名为Softcard。Some analysts think Apple’s entrance into the world of mobile payment will make all the difference.一些分析人士指出,苹果进占移动支付,将给这个领域带给天翻地覆的变化。
“Apple owns the hardware and the software here, unlike Google,” said Josh Beck, an analyst with Pacific Crest Securities. “Not to mention Apple has this huge cache of customer credit cards, and an affluent customer base.”“苹果和Google不一样,它有这个领域的硬件和软件,”太平洋皇冠证券(Pacific Crest Securities)分析师乔什·贝克(Josh Beck)说道。“更加不用说它还掌控着大量消费者信用卡信息,以及一个极为富足的消费者群体。
”Representatives of American Express, Apple, MasterCard and Visa declined to comment.美国运通、苹果、万事达和Visa公司的代表皆拒绝接受置评。