调查显示 千禧一代对与机器人约会持开放态度:jdb电子

发布时间:2024-12-04 21:26:02    浏览::484

本文摘要:A recent study discovered that a number of millennials are willing to explore the dating scene with a robot.一项近期调查表明,很多千禧一代都回应不愿和机器人来一场爱情。

A recent study discovered that a number of millennials are willing to explore the dating scene with a robot.一项近期调查表明,很多千禧一代都回应不愿和机器人来一场爱情。French advertising and public relations company Havas conducted the study, which sampled around 12,000 people of mixed ages worldwide, the Daily Mail reported.据《每日邮报》报导,该调查是由法国广告和传媒集团哈瓦斯集团积极开展的,调查了全世界范围内有所不同年纪的12000人。The company found that around a quarter of individuals aged between 18 and 34 would be willing to give robots a chance.该公司找到,在年纪在18到34岁的人中,有四分之一的人都不愿给机器人一个机会。

Some of the respondents believed in a future where relationships with robots would become normal.一些受访者指出,和机器人妳,未来可能会显得司空见惯。British men were found to be three times more willing to try it out than their female counterparts.英国男性比英国女性更容易拒绝接受此类关系,高达有三倍之多。Also a part of this study, Havas discovered that 20 per cent of men in the United Kingdom enjoyed the virtual world and social media compared to real-world interactions.作为此次调查的一部分,哈瓦斯还找到,相比较真实世界,20%的英国人更加不愿待在虚拟世界,享用虚拟世界人际交往。

Nevertheless, 70 per cent of the respondents agreed on the negative effect of increased smartphone usage to human bonds.不过,70%的受访者都尊重了频密用于手机对人际交往的负面影响。Given the increasing proliferation of sex dolls and sex robots, as well as fast-tracked artificial intelligence research by tech giants, a future with robotic friends or romantic partners may soon be the norm.由于现在充气娃娃和性爱机器人更加普及,以及科技巨头在人工智能研究上的顺利进行,未来机器人朋友、机器人爱人可能会很广泛。

